The team at ONE® loves to share the amazing work people across the world are doing to promote sexual health. Learn more about the amazing DoingItRVA campaign!
Guest blog post by our friends at Richmond City Health District
DoingItRVA is a campaign started by the Richmond City Health District in Richmond, Virginia to engage with sexually active young people in response to high rates of Syphilis in our area. STI rates in 2016 were at a 20 year high nationwide, and areas in the southeast have been experiencing some of the highest rates of infection in the nation.
Over the past couple of years we’ve been working with local health groups to hold STI and STD testing events, going out to high schools and colleges in the area to provide sexual health education, and establishing rapport with members in our community to dismantle the stigma around safer safe practices and caring for your sexual health. We also work with health care providers in the area to ensure they have the most current information regarding STI rates and treatment practices so they can best serve their patients.

In the past month we’ve begun laying the groundwork for a focused social media campaign to inform the RVA community of the services Richmond City Health District offers. We do this by engaging with community members one-on-one, specifically working to ensure that marginalized populations feel welcome to take control of their sexual health through the wide array of services we offer. We can be found on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook @DoingItRVA where we post community updates and outreach that we’ll be doing!
We regularly distribute ONE condoms during our free STI/STD testing clinics and at our community events as they tend to be our clients’ favorites, especially the Legend XL condoms!